smartport / company info / vision

We will be the best in the software field related to airport operations!

We will do our best to establish our status as the world's best solution supply in the airport industry.

Accumulated professionalism and passion are the forces that lead to success!

Smartport technology started in September 2004 with the goal of developing the best airport operation solution. Many airport and airline systems have adopted and used overseas solutions and systems, which have found customer service support and response to changing environments inefficient. As a result, professional developers from various fields with sufficient experience at home and abroad participated in the development of the integrated operation information system of Incheon International Airport Corporation. Smartport technology is proud to develop and have the world's best airport operational solutions. We now offer expensive systems from overseas providers at the highest quality and cost-effective cost to meet our clients' needs, and are working harder to achieve high value-added results by moving beyond the domestic market, including developing AODB/FIDS systems at Benghazi Benina Airport in Libya. Smartport technology, which is not always satisfied with the present and is creating new things with constant challenges and enterprising thinking, will devote more effort to establishing its status as the world's best solution supply in the airport industry.