software / consulting / consulting

From strategic information planning to process innovation to system construction and operational phases,we provide differentiated consulting services for optimal value expression.

The wave of change in the adoption of Internet technology is now the focus of all businesses. The adoption of this technology has become an absolute choice for growth and survival, no longer to gain a competitive edge. In the midst of this wave of change, there are many risks, including immature technology, limited budgets, weak technology and relatively poor operational processes.

However, successful businesses are bound to expand their territory, and the introduction of new technologies is inevitable. Therefore, the biggest key is whether the computer environment, which is bound to be physically complex while accepting new changes, can be changed into a simpler form and managed efficiently. Therefore, after the consulting process quantifies the current problems and future improvement goals, it is necessary to design the management procedures and methodologies appropriate for the customer environment to ultimately realize the optimal process.

Traditional form of management
Expanded corporate concepts

Accumulated professionalism and passion are the forces that lead to success!

The Web is changing every aspect of our lives, as I said in the background, and there's no place like this in the pace of change in the way we do business. The more Internet technology is absorbed into key parts of the business, the true business value begins to emerge. Today, large and small companies are using the Web to interact with their partners, to connect their back-end data systems, and to do business. So the strength and reliability of information technology have met with the Internet is e-business. The information strategy plan is a mid- to long-term information strategy plan of a company that establishes a comprehensive information structure system necessary for business development based on management strategies and establishes an action plan for the establishment of an integrated company-wide system in the future.

  • Exploring the link between management goals and information technology
  • Establishment of the Foundation System for Knowledge Management
  • Improve processes to improve your organization's productivity
  • Effective information and investment planning
  • Information Strategy Plan (ISP) Establishment Promotion Procedure
  • Management
  • Assess opportunities for new technologies and assess competitive threats
  • Application of strategic action plans to accommodate long-term technology change trends
  • Assessment of important factors for success
  • Use essential success factors as behavioral guidelines when building information systems, decision-making systems and managerial motivations, control systems, etc.
  • A Logical Approach to Management Control Problems
  • Assess future information system needs based on task relevance, influence between tasks, and priority analysis
  • Manager
  • Identification and evaluation of computer systems to solve objectives and problems
  • Awareness and evaluation of important factors for success
  • A Logical Approach to Resolving Problems in Management and Operational Control
  • Engage in setting your organization's goals and directions
  • Management-centric and user-centric system needs rather than data processing-centric
  • Information Systems Manager
  • Effective communication with top management
  • Top management support and interest in the system
  • Accurate understanding and prioritization of business needs

In the task analysis stage, detailed analysis of data and work activities in the work area defined through the information strategy planning stage is performed to derive a work model according to the design and construction stage of the system in the future.

  • Derive an information system image that can achieve business objectives
  • A Study on the Improvement of Work Flow Using Information Technology
  • Work process improvement and application planning
  • Data modeling
  • Business Process Modeling
  • Event Response Analysis
  • Analyze data and process interactions

Based on the user's requirements from the task analysis, it switches to an easy-to-understand form of application and user interface design, and prepares a plan for implementation and implementation.

  • System Capabilities
  • Client/Server Architecture Design
  • Designing an Application Structural Plot
  • Database Design
  • Detailed interface design for end users
  • Data Distribution Design
  • Process Distributed Design
  • Security and Integrity Design
  • Data Modeling
  • A data model defines the appearance of the data needed to complete and accurately perform the target task. To define a data model, knowledge of work, advanced work techniques, data modeling techniques, and database knowledge must be supported. Data modeling is a task that is performed during the task analysis stage and is usually carried out in parallel with process modeling.
  • DW(Data Warehouse Modeling)
  • Data warehousing is a system that enables companies to make rapid and accurate decisions to improve competitiveness, enabling end users to quickly and multi-dimensionally analyze vast amounts of data in the enterprise to easily access and utilize the information they need.
  • Project Management
  • Project management establishes initial project plans for project scheduling, resource management, budget management, and organizational and personnel management for successful information system deployment. At the project execution stage, risk management and tracking are performed for smooth progress. Stabilization of the initial stage of business management is important, and management activities to improve quality must be carried out in the implementation process.