smartport / recruitment / right people

If you want a partner who can do your best and share joy and sorrow, apply now!

The talent image of smart port technology, which will open a new horizon for development, starts from the fact that anyone who dreams of development is a talent. Anyone with passion, honesty, integrity, unwavering commitment to self-development and constant commitment to research and development, regardless of academic background, career, gender or age, can be a great developer and smart port technology talent. Our human resources policy for securing human resources is to invest the company's capabilities to foster human resources rather than recruitment of human resources, and various systems are implemented to foster human resources such as long-term worker reward system and education support. We're all the first start of a celebration of development. There is today's smart port technology after the initial process, various trial and error, frustration, and moments and times of pain that can only be experienced in development. Our diverse experiences always open the door to growing and evolving smart port technology with developers with passion, honesty, patience, and sincere efforts to share and create their goals, vision, growth, and rewards.