smartport / company / history

We will be the best in the software field related to airport operations!

Smartport technology is a future-oriented company that actively meets the digital needs of our society by utilizing cutting-edge digital technology and cooperating with various domestic and foreign partners, and leads the way in that standard.

As a digital cultural content provider who puts customer satisfaction first, the ultimate goal of smart port technology is to become a leading company.

  • 2023
    • Designation of human resources development type SMEs
    • Certification of Sustainability Performance Target(SPT)
    • Certification of companies participating in the work-life balance campaign
    • Incheon Flight Leading Company Certification
    • Selection of Hidden Champion(No. 2023-00158)
  • 2022
    • Grade 1 software quality (Resource Management System)
    • Selection of Hidden Champion and Youth-Friendly Companies (No. 2022-747)
  • 2021
    • Patent registration (X-ray transmission image object recognition device and method)
    • Grade 1 software quality (AI X-Ray concurrent implementation system)
    • Joining the Korea R&D Service Association
    • Selection of Hidden Champion and Youth-Friendly Companies (No. 2021-138)
  • 2020
    • Selection of Family Friendly Certified Companies (No. 2020-0141)
    • Selection of Hidden Champion and Youth-Friendly Companies (No. 2020-235)
    • Establishment of Smartport Technology Seoul Branch
    • Capital Increase (KRW 500 million)
  • 2019
    • ISO 9001 Certification (Development of Software)
    • Acquisition of Innovative Small and Medium Business (Inno-Biz) (No. 190703-00324)
    • Acquired certification for Hidden Champion(2019.04.30)
  • 2018
    • Additional objectives for research on air traffic and academic research
    • Information and communication business (No. 320321) registration
  • 2016
    • Kookmin University LINC business group registered as a family company.
    • AODB/FIS Solution Elevation화
  • 2015
    • Registration of Jeju Air partner company
  • 2014
    • Business Area Expansion and Reorganization (Financial Business Division)
    • National Agricultural Cooperative Federation / Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives / Kookmin Financial Group Partner Company
  • 2013
    • Change business name to smart port technology
    • Transfer of business address ( Gyeyang-gu, Incheon)
    • Rainfall Soft signs transfer of SI business division
  • 2012
    • Merchandising Resource Optimization Solutions
    • Commercialization of Web-based Gantchart Solutions
    • Commercialization of U-SIGNAGE solutions
  • 2011
    • Commercialization of HMCS (Medium Precision Management System)
    • Commercialization of Operation Information Management System (SMART-FIS)
  • 2010
    • Commercialization of Aircraft Information System (ASTMS)
    • Venture Business Registration (No. 20100105835)
  • 2009
    • Establishment of the Corporate Research Institute (No. 2009112036)
    • Korea Cost Institute Signs Transfer of SI Business Department
    • SI Business Department Enlargement Launch
  • 2008
    • Rainfollow software established in July 2008