smartport / recruitment / current opportunities

We are recruiting new talent with a sense of challenge and constant passion for new things!

If you want a partner who can use your abilities to the fullest and share joy and sorrow, apply now!

type of occupation, occupational category Recruitment type Qualification requirements
Web development new recruit/career Experienced developers of JAVA frameworks such as Spring, Stuts, and iBatis Experienced developers of web standards such as JavaScript and AjaxPHP/JSP Experienced web development personUNIX/LINUX Applicable personDB Deployment Experienced
Mobile new recruit/career Smartphone HTS Development Experience Smartphone Application Development Experience
DBA new recruit/career Oracle, DB2 Technical Support and Operations Experience Experience Migration Between DBMS
PM/PL career Experienced in SI project Experienced in SI development, solution, S/W technical support
Web design/Web Publishing new recruit/career Experienced web design and web publishing