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Smart Port Technology, Korea Customs Service's Customs Administration R&D Idea Contest Excellence Award

[Cargopress] 2022.10.19
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The Korea Customs Service held an award ceremony for the "3rd Customs Administration R&D Idea Contest" on the 18th.

At the ceremony, Ham Jae-sam, director of Smartport Technology (CEO: Park Hyun-ji), a company specializing in automation facilities and data relay of logistics companies, won the Excellence Award for his proposal of "3D modeling software that transforms multiple X-RAY images into three dimensions" for the development of customs administration.

Smart Port Technology has been continuously researching and developing various logistics equipment used in logistics centers since last year, and recently, it has completed the establishment of Smart-WMS that packages customs-only WMS and control solutions.

An official from Smart Port Technology said, "We will provide maximum support for the successful opening of the Maritime Special Logistics Center promoted by Incheon Customs in 2022, and will focus on development tasks such as X-RAY and IPS solutions."